What We Do
Providing Everything You Need
Personal Tax
We can file your yearly Federal and State returns, as well as any amendments, Trusts, and Estate returns. You can either set up a meeting to have Linda talk with you and do your return, or you can drop your documents off. We also have a secure Drake Portal where you can upload documents and E-Sign, so everything is completely remote.
Business Tax
We provide services that can help you spend more time focusing on your business, and less time on taxes. We can help from the very beginning by setting up an LLC, reserving a name, and/or setting you up as a corporation. Come tax season and we will get your Business return done so you can be stress free. We also will be here year-round to help with any questions you may have.
We offer monthly bookkeeping services that can save you time better spent focusing on your business. We will tailor your books based on what your specific business needs are, and are always available by phone or email to discuss any questions or changes. We do bank reconciliations, journal entries, provide monthly Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports, and file monthly Sales Tax Returns if needed. Since we are keeping up with your finances monthly, we can use our data to file your various federal, state and local taxes, and to give you business advice based off your finances.
Tax Planning
It doesn't have to be Tax Season to talk about taxes. We can meet year-round to discuss your unique situation, and make plans on how to be prepared for Tax Season.